A most welcome sight. My wayward travelling companion has finally arrived at the Skalní Mlýn Hotel. All the contents survived intact!

Now is when I find out if I packed everything I need. Soap. Check. Toothpaste. Check. Ibuprofen. Check. Two bottles of Napa Valley wine. Check. Yep. It looks like all the important stuff made it. Life-saving medicines. Yawn. Check. Skivvies. Check. Shorts. Check. Flip-flops. Check. All present and accounted for!
Of course, my belongings arrived only hours after I bought one of only three t-shirts in existence in the little burg of Skalní Mlýn, shown below.

Anyone who wants to make a killing selling souvenirs to tourists might consider setting up shop in this place. At last count there were 12 such establishments in the neighborhood which stretches all of 100 m from end to end (and includes the entire hotel), plus the small plaza outside my hostelry, which takes up about 100 sq m. It's a very small world from my perspective!
As for the archaeology of Pod Hradem Cave, I hope to have a look at some of the larger pieces of bone today (larger, that is, than the extremely small material that I've been sorting). And if it's allright with the PI, Dr. Nejman, I'll put up some piccies later.
For now, that's the way it is from the temporary world headquarters of the Subversive Archaeologist.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
This post was made possible in part by the kind and generous gifts received from Catherine Pasquale, Don Kerr, Sheahan Bestel, Katrina MacDonald, Diane Hanson, and Iain Davidson. I am in their debt.
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