A) around 1 C.E.
B) no later than 300 B.C.E.
C) no earlier than 300 C.E.
D) none of the above.
Easy peasy! Right? Wrong!
Prof Steemed averaged the mid-points of each ruler's reign and arrived at about 1 C.E. Lost? Me, too. I was similarly lost when I took a look at the background information regarding the Optically Stimulated Luminescence* dates from Blombos Cave, South Africa, published yesterday in Science. Henshilwood et al. have discovered more evidence of modern human behaviour, after previously reporting on shell beads and decorated ochre. This time they have evidence of ochre processing, and two virtually identical 'toolkits' comprising Haliotis shell and traces of dessicated paste or liquid pigment.
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Henshilwood et al. |
And how do they know this?
As you might imagine, the Subversive Archaeologist is highly sceptical of claims for the antiquity of modern behaviour that stands out as a temporal anomaly. South Africa seems to be a Bermuda Triangle of temporal anomalies. Modern human skeletal material from Klasies River Mouth is claimed to be about 100 kyr old, along with the modern-looking Howiesons Poort lithic industry that accompanied the remains. And, as I said before, previous claims from Blombos are along the same lines. But until now I haven't bothered to look further into the claims. This seems like as good a time as any.
I had a look at the Supplementary Online Material that goes along with yesterday's Science article. In it Henshilwood et al. illuminate the reasoning behind the OSL age determinations. I think you'll have to agree that the data presentation and interpretation are, at best, intriguing, and at worst inscrutable.
So, what do we have here? It looks very sophisticated, and in the classical sense, it really resembles sophistry.
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Henshilwood et al. |
Estimates piled upon estimates multiplied by error margins. Even though the diagram above is just a representation of the mathematics involved in an OSL age determination, it gives an impression of the potential for error inherent in calculating an OSL age in calendar years.
Now that I've opened this can of worms, I won't be able to rest until I'm able definitively to critique the claims from Blombas Cave. This means I'll have to read and digest all of the literature referred to in Henshliwood et al., until I'm sure that I understand all of their reasoning, statistical and otherwise. Dang, this is going to be worse than Statistics in Archaeology with Jack Nance!
* developed at my alma mater, Simon Fraser University!
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