Tuesday 25 October 2011

I won't mince words: This is Shameful

This building might look really good, but perching it atop an Arab cemetery and destroying the burial ground in the process looks really bad...
Proposed Museum of Tolerance, Jerusalem
Moreover, the irony in the name is too palpable for words. This is one of those cases, I think, where despite the realitythat the area has been a parking lot, and the cemetery declared disused by the Muslim descendants of those buried theresuch a high-profile project, funded by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, might have found a less symbolic plot of land on which to site the building. Simon might well be squirming in his grave.
     Three cheers for the 84 international archaeologists who're decrying the project and begging for it to be relocated.


  1. I agree.
    Meanwhile FMG are ignoring the protestations of the Yindjibarndi and going ahead with their iron ore mine which involves removing their burial grounds.
    In both cases the issue is about respect. And clearly both offenders have none.


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