Friday 19 September 2014

Meet Mr. Gradgrind

I get up at 0530. Out of the house by 0630, and on the road. Cross the US--Canada border at around 0650, and head for the South Surrey Park and Ride. Hop on a bus at 0708 and catch the Skytrain from the King George Station at around 0745. Change trains at Columbia Station in New Westminster, and head for the Brentwood Town Centre (the vulviforme object in the lower right image, below). Stop for the requisite Starbucks coffee and make it to my cubicle by 0800. 

On the morning after the thoroughly ideologized Scots narrowly rejected rejecting their English oppressors, the route I've just recounted for you reminds me that there are English colonial reminders all over the planet. 

After a harried day herding felines for a large, multinational consulting company alongside some old and dear archaeologists, at 1630 I do it all again, except backwards, kinda like Ginger Rogers! And I'm back at World Headquarters by around 1830. Mr. Gradgrind woulda been proud. Donchathink?

Skytrain and the feeder busses make for a fabulous way to get around without a car in one of the world's most livable areas. IMHO!